A Message from the President of the Ladies Division
On behalf of the Ladies Executive I would like to WELCOME you to the 2022 golf season.
Our Ladies Executive consists of the following ladies:
President - Fern Mitchell
Vice President - vacant
Sec/Treasurer - Jean Lawlor
Club Captain - Janet Wright
House & Locker - Janet McLeod
Past President - Judy Cairns
We have an exciting year planned with ongoing events that you can be a part of.
Tuesday Nights Ladies Night - consists of 9 or 18 holes of golf followed by prizes, food and lots of laughs. Our “Ladies Nights” will be starting early in June. Stay tuned for the date of the first “Ladies Night”.
Ladies Club Championship - July 24th and 25th. This is a two day members only event with 18 holes of golf each day to establish a club champion. There are two divisions according to your handicap. This is followed by food and fellowship.
Mixed Club Championship - August 29th. A fun filled day event based on handicaps for members only. Golf is followed by food,fun,prizes and lots if laughs.
We have completed many updates to the ladies locker room. A new bathroom counter, carpet and locker room cleaned, our coffee table repaired and refurbished benches and shoe racks. Thanks to House and Locker chair Janet MacLeod and her better half Rodd, A locker will be available to you to use for a $25 charge Just drop into the office to pick one that is not already assigned.
Please make certain the office has your e-mail address, so you will receive the weekly emails as well as information on events.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact myself at (gf.mitch@ nb.sympatico.ca) or any of our executive members or office staff. We want to make your golf experience at Moncton Golf Club a positive experience and one that you will enjoy for a long time.
Fern Mitchell
Ladies President